The second edition of Incontri Contemporanei, born from an idea by pianist Davide Cabassi, sees the participation of collettivo_21 alongside Cabassi’s students in a series of meetings with some of the most significant Italian composers of our time. These informal meetings, hosted in the welcoming setting of Magazzino Musica in Milan, consisted in an interview with the composers and a series of pieces – both for piano solo and for ensemble – perfomed by the pianists and by collettivo_21.
Milan, MaMu
F. Vacchi, Mignon for soprano and piano
F. Vacchi, Shall I compare for soprano and piano
F. Vacchi, Noc’ for soprano and piano
I. Danieli, Richiami notturni dal castello di Utopia
Eleonora Claps and Federica Pecorari, soprano
Lorenzo Di Marco, flute
Miljan Minic and Emanuele Giarrusso, clarinet
Lorenzo Moretto and Fruzsina Laszlo, sax
Giuia Pastorino, coductor