Palazzo Ghizzoni Nasalli, vicolo serafini 12, Piacenza.
00.00 am – 11.59 pm
We have come into contact in these months more than ever with real/non-real spaces that exist only thanks to digital and virtual support. We have met them, adapted to any social, work, personal and love situation. We have seen the proliferation of streaming concerts, premieres of new works, virtual guided tours of exhibitions and museum, in order to continue to make today’s cultural world survive, bringing back the experience of the real in a non-real dimension, in cyberspace.
Cyberspace: the internet, considered as an imaginary area without limits, where you can meet people and find information on any subject.
Ars Cyber != Dystopian is the investigation of some of the artistic possibilities offered by cyberspace, articulated in two sound installations and digital performances, digitally and only partially live for 24h.
Cyberspace 1: AI’ve just started to learn to play – Alessandro Perini
Today’s self-taught musician has at his disposal a potentially endless amount of educational materials, first of all the Youtube video tutorials.
AI’ve just started to learn to play is an automated and impatient apprentice musician, who learns to play at the very moment it is taught something here. It constantly jams with real musicians. Within this cyberspace, besides the observation of this incessant learning process and its interaction with the musicians of the Collective_21, it is possible to virtually compare this process with the video from which the musician is learning.
Cyberspace 2: A mic in a box – Claudio Panariello, Luca Gudarini
A mic in a box is the realization and manipulation of the sound possibilities of a physical place, which turns into cyberspace.
A place with acoustic, scenic, environmental characteristics, whose fruitive experience is mediated by the computer medium. The sound within this existing cyberspace in the physical plane is in turn generated directly by users who access this cyberspace, leaving an acoustic imprint of their passage and thus contributing to create a real sound landscape yes really existing in a specific physical place but at the same time usable only virtually. Web developer: Erik Natanael Gustafsson
Lorenzo Moretto, Daniele Nava. Giulia Pastorino, Davide Bussoleni
Luca Guidarini, Claudio Panariello, Alessandro Perini