Piacenza is a small province, but it hosts several important cultural initiatives. Among them is certainly to be included Concorto, a festival of short films of international importance. Collettivo_21 is invited to inaugurate the 2016 edition in the garden of the beautiful Palazzo Ghizzoni Nasalli, with an original concentric layout that places the audience all around the musicians. After the success of this evocative experience, Palazzo Ghizzoni Nasalli will become a place dear to the ensemble, which will set here several events of Incó_ntemporanea festival.
Piacenza, Palazzo Ghizzoni Nasalli
B. Maderna, Serenata per un satellite for ensemble
L. Moretto, Music Sketches for ensemble
T. Riley, In C for ensemble
Lorenzo Di Marco and Virginia Bernardoni, flute
Lorenzo Moretto, sax
Alice Castelnuovo, viola
Marco Decimo, cello
Dante Fabbri, double bass
Federico Lisandria, Francesco Tagliaferri, Giulia Pastorino and Mariachiara Leonetti, guitar
Federica Pecorari and Yuliya Vyshnyvetska, soprano
Tommaso Franguelli and Simone Allegri, percussions